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Why start a site, a blog, a business now? Aren't you too old? Past your prime? This is for young bucks who are driven. Why would anyone follow/listen/read what you have to say?

All of these thoughts have been swarming in my head - but the one that stands out above them all is - "Why NOT now?".

I have been feeling the nudge for over a year to start my own blog/website. I haven't understood the thought. I've been so busy with my family life and UpBeat Barre (a business I started the day the world shut down for Covid in 2020 with 3 other talented and beautiful women) and so I continued to pushed the thought aside. "It's not my season" I told myself. But now, in the thick of the 'busy'ness the nudge pushes stronger. I still don't understand. I'm not even sure what I'll share. Perhaps in a few years looking back in retrospect, I'll understand.

Here's what I know - when you feel the urge to do something - even if it scares the pants off of you and don't understand what it's for - you take the leap. You start. Even if it utterly fails, it's part of the process and journey of learning and growth because you can't fly unless you lose the ground underneath your feet.




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